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"Circus Procession" 1888 artwork showing two elephants in human clothing, one of whom rides a tricycle, a clown, and 3 uniformed marching men.Here is something very funny.Surely worth the entrance money:At the sight, the laugher peals!'Tis an elephant on wheels!Close behind him a relation,In a state of perspiration,Dons his specs, and wields his fan,Just like any gentleman.

Original public domain image from Wikimedia Commons

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"Circus Procession" 1888 artwork showing two elephants in human clothing, one of whom rides a tricycle, a clown, and 3 uniformed marching men.Here is something very funny.Surely worth the entrance money:At the sight, the laugher peals!'Tis an elephant on wheels!Close behind him a relation,In a state of perspiration,Dons his specs, and wields his fan,Just like any gentleman.
