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Gray hairstreak (Strymon melinus) nectaring during fall butterfly count NPS Photo/ Carmen Aurrecoechea Alt Text: A predominately gray butterfly with bright orange spots and small protruding hairs at its tail drinks nectar from a bright yellow flower.
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Gray hairstreak (Strymon melinus) nectaring during fall butterfly count

NPS Photo/ Carmen Aurrecoechea

Alt Text: A predominately gray butterfly with bright orange spots and small protruding hairs at its tail drinks nectar from a bright yellow flower.


Gray hairstreak (Strymon melinus) nectaring during fall butterfly count

NPS Photo/ Carmen Aurrecoechea

Alt Text: A predominately gray butterfly with bright orange spots and small protruding hairs at its tail drinks nectar from a bright yellow flower.

Original public domain image from Flickr

Public DomainFree CCO U.S. Government image for Personal and Business use

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