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Peopleâs Gardens, like Project Feed the Hood in Albuquerque, NM, empower communities to participate in local food production and provide diversity and resiliency to the food supply chain. They also teach about the benefits of sustainable, local agriculture and how gardening can foster community collaboration, provide green gathering spaces, and benefit the environment.


Project Feed the Hood is a food literacy and food justice initiative by the SouthWest Organizing Project that aims to improve community health through education and the revival of traditional growing methods.

Original public domain image from Flickr

Public DomainFree CCO U.S. Government image for Personal and Business use

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Peopleâs Gardens, like Project Feed the Hood in Albuquerque, NM, empower communities to participate in local food production and provide diversity and resiliency to the food supply chain. They also teach about the benefits of sustainable, local agriculture and how gardening can foster community collaboration, provide green gathering spaces, and benefit the environment.


Project Feed the Hood is a food literacy and food justice initiative by the SouthWest Organizing Project that aims to improve community health through education and the revival of traditional growing methods.
