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U.S. Department of Agriculture USDA Agricultural Research Service ARS Sugarcane Research Unit scientists developed and released a new high-fiber variety of sugarcane, or energy cane, Ho 06-9002, in Houma, LA, and continue their research on December 13, 2021. Sugarcane is one of the most efficient producers of biomass of all plant species and can be used as a renewable fuel. The new variety has a high fiber content, excellent regrowth ability over 4 to 5 years, is cold-tolerant, has a high stalk population, and produces excellent biomass yields. Ho 06-9002 showed no symptoms of brown rust or smut when exposed to high levels of natural inoculum. Mosaic disease, caused by either sugarcane mosaic virus or sorghum mosaic virus, was not observed in the variety under natural field conditions. Its most significant attribute is cold tolerance and the ability to yield high biomass in non-traditional sugarcane growing regions.

Here, from left, Agricultural Science Research Technician Gerald McCollam from John's Hopkins collects energy cane juice while visiting Brazilian Researcher Daisy La Silva weighs experimental sugar cane and feeds it into a traditional 3-roller mill. The extracted juice is collected for analysis to determine the Beix, percent soluble sugar by refractometer; and sucrose by polarization. From this information and the use of a Varietal Correction Factor VCF, an estimated yield of theoretical recoverable sugar per ton of cane can be calculated.

The ongoing studies are conducted in cooperation with the Department of Energy; University Extensions, and industry organizations.




USDA Media by Lance Cheung.


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U.S. Department of Agriculture USDA Agricultural Research Service ARS Sugarcane Research Unit scientists developed and released a new high-fiber variety of sugarcane, or energy cane, Ho 06-9002, in Houma, LA, and continue their research on December 13, 2021. Sugarcane is one of the most efficient producers of biomass of all plant species and can be used as a renewable fuel. The new variety has a high fiber content, excellent regrowth ability over 4 to 5 years, is cold-tolerant, has a high stalk population, and produces excellent biomass yields. Ho 06-9002 showed no symptoms of brown rust or smut when exposed to high levels of natural inoculum. Mosaic disease, caused by either sugarcane mosaic virus or sorghum mosaic virus, was not observed in the variety under natural field conditions. Its most significant attribute is cold tolerance and the ability to yield high biomass in non-traditional sugarcane growing regions.

Here, from left, Agricultural Science Research Technician Gerald McCollam from John's Hopkins collects energy cane juice while visiting Brazilian Researcher Daisy La Silva weighs experimental sugar cane and feeds it into a traditional 3-roller mill. The extracted juice is collected for analysis to determine the Beix, percent soluble sugar by refractometer; and sucrose by polarization. From this information and the use of a Varietal Correction Factor VCF, an estimated yield of theoretical recoverable sugar per ton of cane can be calculated.

The ongoing studies are conducted in cooperation with the Department of Energy; University Extensions, and industry organizations.




USDA Media by Lance Cheung.

