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The Bath Tub Cars. “- Say, Jerome....did you see these travellers yesterday who complained about our cars under the pretext that the rain inconvenienced them? - For only 7 Francs they traveled to Orléans, including a four hour bath.... there are people who are never content! Next they will want us to serve them an almond-paté as part of the bargain... and then they don't even give a sou to the boy who cleans the bath tub,” plate 10 from Les Chemins De Fer by Honoré-Victorin Daumier
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The Bath Tub Cars. “- Say, Jerome....did you see these travellers yesterday who complained about our cars under the pretext that the rain inconvenienced them? - For only 7 Francs they traveled to Orléans, including a four hour bath.... there are people who are never content! Next they will want us to serve them an almond-paté as part of the bargain... and then they don't even give a sou to the boy who cleans the bath tub,” plate 10 from Les Chemins De Fer by Honoré-Victorin Daumier


The Bath Tub Cars. “- Say, Jerome....did you see these travellers yesterday who complained about our cars under the pretext that the rain inconvenienced them? - For only 7 Francs they traveled to Orléans, including a four hour bath.... there are people who are never content! Next they will want us to serve them an almond-paté as part of the bargain... and then they don't even give a sou to the boy who cleans the bath tub,” plate 10 from Les Chemins De Fer by Honoré-Victorin Daumier

Original public domain image from Art Institute of Chicago

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