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Geogaphic Scarves. "Look Dodolphe, this is really the last sacrifice I'll do for your education... if you still don't get your geography right, it means you are completely clogged up... this time I'll stick your nose into it. To start with, you'll just need to make sure during the first day to only blow your nose in Normandy.... I'll slap you in the face if you blow your nose in the Channel!," plate 89 from Actualités by Honoré-Victorin Daumier

Original public domain image from Art Institute of Chicago

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Geogaphic Scarves. "Look Dodolphe, this is really the last sacrifice I'll do for your education... if you still don't get your geography right, it means you are completely clogged up... this time I'll stick your nose into it. To start with, you'll just need to make sure during the first day to only blow your nose in Normandy.... I'll slap you in the face if you blow your nose in the Channel!," plate 89 from Actualités by Honoré-Victorin Daumier
