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Kola Champagne: dans toutes les pharmacies. Next to a tree on a beach, a proper woman is sitting at a table with a champaign glass, a bottle of A. Lafont's Kola Champagne, and a plate of biscuits. At the woman's feet is a poodle licking a Kola Champagne biscuit. This strength-building drink is recommended for exhaustion, age, dyspepsia, vomiting, disease. Original public domain image from Flickr
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Kola Champagne: dans toutes les pharmacies. Next to a tree on a beach, a proper woman is sitting at a table with a champaign glass, a bottle of A. Lafont's Kola Champagne, and a plate of biscuits. At the woman's feet is a poodle licking a Kola Champagne biscuit. This strength-building drink is recommended for exhaustion, age, dyspepsia, vomiting, disease. Original public domain image from Flickr


Kola Champagne: dans toutes les pharmacies. Next to a tree on a beach, a proper woman is sitting at a table with a champaign glass, a bottle of A. Lafont's Kola Champagne, and a plate of biscuits. At the woman's feet is a poodle licking a Kola Champagne biscuit. This strength-building drink is recommended for exhaustion, age, dyspepsia, vomiting, disease. Original public domain image from Flickr

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