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Brig Niagara, 1913, LOC. Oliver Perry's flagship the "Niagara" and two other ships in Put-in-Bay Harbor, Lake Erie during her stay 20-25th July 1913. She was accompanied by a fleet of representatibe naval milita ships of the Great Lakes and United States revenue cutters.[1] Edit of Image:Brig Niagara 1913 LOC 3c27683u.jpg for WP:FPC
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Brig Niagara, 1913, LOC. Oliver Perry's flagship the "Niagara" and two other ships in Put-in-Bay Harbor, Lake Erie during her stay 20-25th July 1913. She was accompanied by a fleet of representatibe naval milita ships of the Great Lakes and United States revenue cutters.[1] Edit of Image:Brig Niagara 1913 LOC 3c27683u.jpg for WP:FPC


Brig Niagara, 1913, LOC. Oliver Perry's flagship the "Niagara" and two other ships in Put-in-Bay Harbor, Lake Erie during her stay 20-25th July 1913. She was accompanied by a fleet of representatibe naval milita ships of the Great Lakes and United States revenue cutters.[1] Edit of Image:Brig Niagara 1913 LOC 3c27683u.jpg for WP:FPC

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