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"The Concourse, Beach Road, Singapore (first scheme). Aerial perspective. Rendering." Graphite and color pencil. Restored version of File:Concourse Singapore2.jpg. Cropped. Dirt and stains removed. Depigmented and torn areas reconstructed. Scratches repaired. Sharpness, brightness, contrast, and other adjustments applied to correct areas that did not lie flat during duplication. Corrected for uneven paper fade. Histogram adjusted and colors balanced. This version compressed for viewers with slow connections.
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"The Concourse, Beach Road, Singapore (first scheme). Aerial perspective. Rendering." Graphite and color pencil. Restored version of File:Concourse Singapore2.jpg. Cropped. Dirt and stains removed. Depigmented and torn areas reconstructed. Scratches repaired. Sharpness, brightness, contrast, and other adjustments applied to correct areas that did not lie flat during duplication. Corrected for uneven paper fade. Histogram adjusted and colors balanced. This version compressed for viewers with slow connections.


"The Concourse, Beach Road, Singapore (first scheme). Aerial perspective. Rendering." Graphite and color pencil. Restored version of File:Concourse Singapore2.jpg. Cropped. Dirt and stains removed. Depigmented and torn areas reconstructed. Scratches repaired. Sharpness, brightness, contrast, and other adjustments applied to correct areas that did not lie flat during duplication. Corrected for uneven paper fade. Histogram adjusted and colors balanced. This version compressed for viewers with slow connections.

Original public domain image from Wikimedia Commons

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