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Jane Seymour (1508/9–1537) was Henry VIII of England's third wife. Henry married her in 1536, shortly after the execution of Anne Boleyn, and she died the following year, twelve days after giving birth to Henry's son and heir, the future Edward VI. In accordance with his wishes, Henry was buried with Jane at Windsor Castle, the location of Holbein's sketch for this painting. The portrait matches the depiction of Jane in Holbein's Whitehall wall-painting, which now survives only in a copy by Remigius van Leemput. It also follows Holbein's preparatory drawing (see "other versions", below).

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Jane Seymour (1508/9–1537) was Henry VIII of England's third wife. Henry married her in 1536, shortly after the execution of Anne Boleyn, and she died the following year, twelve days after giving birth to Henry's son and heir, the future Edward VI. In accordance with his wishes, Henry was buried with Jane at Windsor Castle, the location of Holbein's sketch for this painting. The portrait matches the depiction of Jane in Holbein's Whitehall wall-painting, which now survives only in a copy by Remigius van Leemput. It also follows Holbein's preparatory drawing (see "other versions", below).
