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“Ocean-to-Ocean Bridge” is an odd name for a span in Yuma, Arizona, more than 170 miles from the Pacific Ocean and thousands of miles from the distant Atlantic.

The name of the bridge, which dates to 1915, is a reference to the days when two-lane automobile travel involved a patchwork of short roads and a handful of numbered long-distance roads. The transcontinental “Ocean-to-Ocean Highway (later U.S. 80) was one the latter. The Yuma bridge took the place of a ferry across the Colorado River. The neon sign helped take some shine off U.S. Route 66, which was more famous but ran only from Chicago to the Los Angeles area. Original image from Carol M. Highsmith’s America, Library of Congress collection. Digitally enhanced by rawpixel.

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“Ocean-to-Ocean Bridge” is an odd name for a span in Yuma, Arizona, more than 170 miles from the Pacific Ocean and thousands of miles from the distant Atlantic.
