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Coral Bleaching. A warmer climate impacts oceans in other ways beyond rising sea levels; coral reefs such as this one in Virgin Islands National Park are dying. Warmer ocean temperatures and more acidic waters (from increased carbon dioxide levels) are bleaching and dissolving coral reefs around the world. Reefs in Biscayne National Park, National Park of American Samoa, and War in the Pacific National Historical Park are also being impacted. Original public domain image from Flickr
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Coral Bleaching. A warmer climate impacts oceans in other ways beyond rising sea levels; coral reefs such as this one in Virgin Islands National Park are dying. Warmer ocean temperatures and more acidic waters (from increased carbon dioxide levels) are bleaching and dissolving coral reefs around the world. Reefs in Biscayne National Park, National Park of American Samoa, and War in the Pacific National Historical Park are also being impacted. Original public domain image from Flickr


Coral Bleaching. A warmer climate impacts oceans in other ways beyond rising sea levels; coral reefs such as this one in Virgin Islands National Park are dying. Warmer ocean temperatures and more acidic waters (from increased carbon dioxide levels) are bleaching and dissolving coral reefs around the world. Reefs in Biscayne National Park, National Park of American Samoa, and War in the Pacific National Historical Park are also being impacted. Original public domain image from Flickr

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