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A family sitting round the dinner table, the mother serving food, the father making an authoritative gesture towards his praying son, the two daughters sit next to the mother while the youngest child is fed next to the fire place; representing Concord. Engraving by C. de Passe after M. de Vos.
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A family sitting round the dinner table, the mother serving food, the father making an authoritative gesture towards his praying son, the two daughters sit next to the mother while the youngest child is fed next to the fire place; representing Concord. Engraving by C. de Passe after M. de Vos.


A family sitting round the dinner table, the mother serving food, the father making an authoritative gesture towards his praying son, the two daughters sit next to the mother while the youngest child is fed next to the fire place; representing Concord. Engraving by C. de Passe after M. de Vos.

Original public domain image from Wellcome Collection

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