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Bantam, Connecticut. The business section of Bantam with the camera facing south along Lafayette Boulevard (Route 25). A few rods to the left is the Warren McArthur plant, while the block of stores visible at the left includes Mitchell's Tavern, the First National Store, a garage and two service stations. Not shown, but lying just this side of Mitchell's restaurant is the birthplace of Horace Bushnell, a discoverer of anaesthesia. Reading from the right are the Espiscopal Church, Tony's Bantam Inn, favorite eating place, Marcel Roy's drugstore, the Bantam grocery store and the firehouse. Sourced from the Library of Congress.

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Bantam, Connecticut. The business section of Bantam with the camera facing south along Lafayette Boulevard (Route 25). A few rods to the left is the Warren McArthur plant, while the block of stores visible at the left includes Mitchell's Tavern, the First National Store, a garage and two service stations. Not shown, but lying just this side of Mitchell's restaurant is the birthplace of Horace Bushnell, a discoverer of anaesthesia. Reading from the right are the Espiscopal Church, Tony's Bantam Inn, favorite eating place, Marcel Roy's drugstore, the Bantam grocery store and the firehouse. Sourced from the Library of Congress.
