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AerialView2 GoatRocksFire2209
The Goat Rocks Fire was started by lightning on August 9 in the Goat Rocks Wilderness 1.5 miles northeast of the town of Packwood, Washington. It burned in steep terrain. Initially, it was knocked down by firefighters, but it could not be completely surrounded by fire line due to the dangerous, steep terrain making it unsafe to be worked by fire personnel. The fire laid down and smoldered but picked back up in September after several days of red flag warnings and continued to grow.


On September 9, 2022 fire activity significantly picked up and the fire began moving towards the town of Packwood, WA. Fire spread was rapid so evacuation orders were issued for the town of Packwood and surrounding communities. These orders were issued to protect lives and ensure that in the event that the fire did make a push into the communities that residents were already in a safe location. Fire crews continued work to suppress the fire and protect protect lives, infrastructure, and natural resources.


Evacuation levels were reduced at 7:00 p.m. on September 11, 2022 and residents were allowed back into their homes.


As of November 14, 2022, it was 6,196 acres.

Original public domain image from Flickr

Public DomainFree CCO U.S. Government image for Personal and Business use

View CC0 License

AerialView2 GoatRocksFire2209
The Goat Rocks Fire was started by lightning on August 9 in the Goat Rocks Wilderness 1.5 miles northeast of the town of Packwood, Washington. It burned in steep terrain. Initially, it was knocked down by firefighters, but it could not be completely surrounded by fire line due to the dangerous, steep terrain making it unsafe to be worked by fire personnel. The fire laid down and smoldered but picked back up in September after several days of red flag warnings and continued to grow.


On September 9, 2022 fire activity significantly picked up and the fire began moving towards the town of Packwood, WA. Fire spread was rapid so evacuation orders were issued for the town of Packwood and surrounding communities. These orders were issued to protect lives and ensure that in the event that the fire did make a push into the communities that residents were already in a safe location. Fire crews continued work to suppress the fire and protect protect lives, infrastructure, and natural resources.


Evacuation levels were reduced at 7:00 p.m. on September 11, 2022 and residents were allowed back into their homes.


As of November 14, 2022, it was 6,196 acres.
